
[CC'ing Gene Cooperman (another DMTCP developer) as well]

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko
<deb...@onerussian.com> wrote:
> Cool project!
> Thanks for preparing packaging  as well -- probably I could
> sponsor it. So here is my take (looking at SVN's debian/)

Thanks again!

> * debian/copyright:
>  - public domain:  it is not that easy actually to release stuff into
>   public domain, e.g. see  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL
>   thus I would recommend to release it under some liberal license (MIT,
>   BSD)
>  - I would prefer if it was in DEP5 format -- would make it easier to
>   "read", especially since now it is quite convoluted
>   http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/
>  - I know that test/hellompi.c is quite simple but it does have copyright
>   owner and unknown license (distributable at all?) and not listed in 
> debian/copyright:


> * debian/control:
>  - Standards-Version: 3.8.3
>  make sure it is compatible with current one (3.9.1) and adjust control
>  file accordingly

Done. However, I haven't setup the quilt so lintian is complaining.

>  - there are arch dependent patches: mtcp.t.patch-* covering only two 
> architectures.
>   ignorant questions: would it work on other architectures?  shouldn't
>   generated file also cover /usr/lib32 library paths on 64bit systems?

DMTCP will work only on i386 and amd64 architectures. I am sorry, but
I don't understand which files should I put under /usr/lib32?

> * debian/rules
>  - instead of manual copying of overrides (present in two copies btw in
>   SVN -- overrides and lintian-overrides):
>   cp $(CURDIR)/debian/lintian-overrides 
> $(CURDIR)/debian/dmtcp/usr/share/lintian/overrides/dmtcp
>   make use of dh_lintian


>  - please prune # dh_ lines


> *  /usr/include/dmtcpaware.h, /usr/lib/libdmtcpaware.a
>  manpages does mention programming interface:
>       DMTCP provides a programming interface to allow checkpointed 
> applications to interact with dmtcp.
>       The user application should link with libdmtcpaware.so (-ldmtcpaware) 
> and use the header file dmtcp/dmtcpaware.h.
>       For more information see: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net/
>  thus ideally you should provide libdmtcpawareSOVERSION, libdmtcpaware-dev
> binary  packages for that (and -dev will contain .a, .h)... if no dynamic
> library (and its support) is desired, then please provide at least
> libdmtcpaware-dev package containing programming interface (and patch to
> manpage to instruct static building against .a?)

Thanks for pointing this out. There is no need of
libdmtcpawareSOVERSION and you are right that we should create
libdmtcpaware-dev binary package (containing .a and .h). However, I
need to lookup how to create two binary packages.

BTW, this time I have used svn-buildpackage since dmtcp uses
subversion (hosted on sourceforge) and seemed easier that way to make
the changes in upstream as well. Do you want me to upload the updated
package or wait until I finish the libdmtcpaware-dev package as well.


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