Some things to fix in phptidy:

define('CONFIGFILE', "./.phptidy-config.php");... should also read 

We also find no config item to turn off using cache files.

Should add manpage.

"source   Show processed source code of affected files"
probably means 'like the suffix command, but write output to stdoun'

Which just shows that the user should be doing the ">" etc. instead of
trying to do it all for the user.

project files include/exclude: all should be the user's responsiblity,
to just list them one by one in a makefile, or on the command line etc.

Don't print the top of the config file each time we run phptidy.

The diff etc commands should not print escape sequences to the

Try this: save the output of the source command to a second file, and
then run phptidy again on that second file. No output will be produced
at all! (of course we have first removed the stuff that should have
been sent to STDERR from the top.) Now insert a blank line at the top.
We now get output again.

You may have considered space after comma, but not space after

switch {}:  all case: end up in first column.

OK. I figured out how to meet all my php formatting needs.
I did
apt-get install php-elisp
Within which (aside from ) doing
C-x h runs the command mark-whole-buffer, then
TAB (translated from <tab>) runs the command c-indent-line-or-region,
indents very well. (But doesn't do spaces around colons etc.)

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