On Wed, 3 Nov 2010 01:31:23 +0100, Iker Salmón San Millán wrote:

> 2010/11/3 David Paleino <da...@debian.org>
> > Iker, I see many people already reviewed your package. With my
> > wicd-maintainer-hat on, I ask you to add a "Provides: wicd-client" to your
> > binary package.
> Excuse me, i am not sure if i underestand well, "Provides: wicd-client"
> where? in debian-mentors description?

In debian/control, in the binary section.
Please read:


This is because wicd-daemon is Recommending:

Recommends: wicd-gtk (= 1.7.0+ds1-5) | wicd-curses (= 1.7.0+ds1-5) | wicd-cli
(= 1.7.0+ds1-5) | wicd-client

This way, one could use your client without having one of those above installed.

> > Also, if it only depends on Qt libs, it would be better IMVHO if you (or
> > upstream) named it "wicd-qt", to stay consistent with other clients
> > (wicd-gtk
> > and wicd-curses). Otherwise, wicd-kde would be fine -- but it's just a
> > matter
> > of consistency, you can call it whatever you like.
> yeah, i also thougth about that. I just give that name because it was the
> original author's given name.  But he is very happie with my intention to
> package it for debian and i know for sure that he doesn't care how i name
> it. So wicd-qt would be grate.
> But.. are you talking only about the package name or also the binary name?

I was talking about both, the binary package and the binary in /usr/bin/. :-)
It's better if you talk to upstream about this. But then again, it's really
just a matter of consistency.
>  I'll send an email to him just to be sure, maybe he also wants to change it
> in upstream if i finally find a sponsor.

I'de be happy to sponsor it. And maybe it's better if we continue this on
debian-mentors@ :-)

 . ''`.   Debian developer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
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