The previous repo was a clone of the main project, plus debian folder+Makefile.
If you have a process for managing merging fixed, then no problem.
you're going to put tarballs over top?

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Leo 'costela' Antunes
<> wrote:
> There are still a couple of open questions:
> - how much automatization do we want with the configuration? I
> personally think the current level isn't that bad, that is: a single
> "a2ensite statusnet.conf" (in case of apache) is enough to have an
> instance working on localhost. I still haven't tested this with lighttpd
> though...

Working with apache+mysql outta the deb would be enough for first
iteration. I'm a big lighttpd fan so i'll give it a test.

> - debian/copyright needs a big overhaul before any official upload
> (that's a boring part I didn't have enough willpower to tackle til now)
> - all libs in extlib which aren't currently separately packaged have
> been included in the binary. I don't think this is particularly bad, but
> the ftp-masters will obviously have the final word. Worst case scenario
> I could try packaging them all individually.
> - I'm unfortunately only very superficially familiar with statusnet, so
> I need some help sorting out what to do with all the scripts and
> pseudo-daemons in the package. Which of them do you think would be worth
> having work out-of-the box? (maildaemon, for instance, is something I
> think would probably be too hard to get right)

Having none of the daemons set up is reasonable. They become necessary
when wanting to scale and/or add the fancy features.

> I'd really appreciate some comments and tests.

I think you want to do a make clean, and then remove some compiled
files from the git repo

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