Hi, I have now a package that has no rubbish from myself in it to share. I have also created a basic todo/problems list: - First the source code archive is very hard to work with, it contains binary code, some of the src projects are not clean and third party libraries and projects are included. This causes issues with legality and stability. For more info see http://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamGuide - Secondly the toolchain to build the packages requires specific versions of the gcc, newlib and binutils releases. A quick fix for testing would be to include these as additional source archives but a way really needs to be found to include these versions in Debian as normal. - Thirdly, the udev rules needed to provide user level (not root) access to nxt devices need to be accessible to other packages and not just for use with Lejos NXJ. This could mean creating a seperate package for these udev rules or following another approach. Those are the two main problems, the less significant problems are the basic package building tasks, however these can't be properly addressed until the First and Second problem on the list above have been addressed.
I hope that LeJOS NXJ can be included in Debian and am aiming to do this for or at least by the 1.0 stable release of LeJOS NXJ. However I want to get the packaging right, so at the moment any work that I have done wont go towards a package for Debian, more work needs to be done on the structure of the release to avoid future problems. I will continue trying to work out solutions to the second and third problems as these are more to do with Debian policy and I hope by the time I come to package a future release the source code archive has improved. If anyone would like a copy of the current work I have done on the Lejos NXT package just email me and i will send you it. However it does not work and will probably be entirely useless when looking to package future versions. Thanks, Chris
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