Fri, 21 May 2010 10:16:43 +0200
Michael Fladischer <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Alexander GQ Gerasiov, 2010-05-20 15:05:
> > I'd like to see README.source inside debian dir with (short)
> > description of get-orig-source target and situation with crypto
> > part.
> Added one.
> > And links to GPL/LGPL in copyright file. (In the section describing
> > extension's license.)
> I added it to the bottom of the copyright file and changed the
> packaging license to be the same as with upstream (for sending
> patches upstream).
> > It would be nice if you join alioth's pkg-mozext team to maintain
> > the package there. Just register, ask for inclusion to team, create
> > repository and upload in it. (And fix Maintainer/Uploader fields in
> > control)
> My alioth account is fladi-guest. I'll ask for inclusion in the next
> few days.
> >> I have removed the obsolete native crypto part from the
> >> source-package because 1.2.3 is the first release which uses
> >> javascript for this part:
> > So it (original extension) uses javascript by default? Or it uses
> > native code when possible to improve performance?
> No, it uses javascript as a wrapper around the native code. From what
> I read at I
> assumed that it should replace the native code completely, on which I
> was wrong. It seems that xulrunner (>= 1.9.2) is required in order to
> drop the native code.
> >> Please ignore my last mail as I just discovered that the native
> >> library cannont be removed yet without breaking weave sync. Thus I
> >> removed my package from mentors.d.n.
> > Oh, I see. That's ok. So will you make this package arch-dependent
> > with compilation on native crypto code?
> Yes. It can be found at:
> It has two patches on it, fixing bugs in the build-system.
Ok, I'll take a look at it.

Please cc your replies to to allow others track
situation with BTS, until we do an upload.

Best regards,
 Alexander GQ Gerasiov

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