On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 12:00:01AM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Andre Luis Lopes wrote:
> > * Package name    : admuser
> Would you consider renaming the package to admwebuser?  admuser is a bit too
> generic IMHO...

Good point, admwebuser is a good name and I think it is a better name
than the upstream name. However, I personally know a lot of people which
does use this package and knows it only as admuser.

Is there a policy against changing upstream's package name ? I wouldn't
like to go against policy. Anyway, if I really change the package name,
it would be better if I put a note somewhere in its long description
commenting about that change and including admuser somewhere so an
apt-cache search admuser will list admwebuser.

What do you think ? Also, should I file another ITP or this one is
enough ?

André Luís Lopes
andrelop at ig dot com dot br
Debian-BR Project
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