I'm not a debian maintainer, but I would like to see open office added
to the list of debian packages. I'm requesting anyone interested to
maintain this package. The only thing you have to be carefull of is to
make sure you install the multiuser version of open office. to do this,
you put something like
sh setup.sh /net
after that every user that run's soffice will have a user tailored
configure directory in their home directory that takes up about 20 megs,
(ouch I know), but it's no worse than loki games, and it's sure alot
better than installing a 650 some meg program in every users home directory.
the beauty of this kind of setup is it's not inconceivable to have a
central open office server and every computer in the office only has to
have 20 megs of config data in their home directory, hence the /net even
though the server run's just as well on a local machine with multiple users.
Well thanks for listening, if I should mail another mailing list or
person with this request, please email me and let me know who the
appropriate person/group is, (I'm crossing my fingers that this is the
right one).
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