On 2010-01-08 00:17 +0100, Craig Small wrote:

> Hello,
>   I just recently noticed that ncurses has been orphaned for a few
> months. There were a few people saying they were willing to help out
> with it which is great.  I've not seen much since September.

I had some private discussion with Sebastian at the end of September
/beginning of October where we agreed that he'd register an Alioth
project and eventually upload ncurses.  Alas, I haven't heard from him
since then.

> This is really for if noone is doing anything much with ncurses at the
> moment, if that's the case. I'll adopt the package and maintain it.  I
> would like some help and make it a team effort but it seems it needs
> someone to drive it and I can do that.

I would appreciate that, and I still would be interested in joining such
a team.

> Again, if someone is already doing this on the quiet, then well done and
> I'll leave you to it.  If not, I'll start the project up on alioth.
> My preference is svn over git (purely because I'm used to it) but if
> there are people who are willing to help and have a strong preference to
> git I'll use that.

I definitely prefer git, and I have some work at
http://git.debian.org/?p=users/joachim-guest/ncurses.git which could be


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