Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Prolix is a binary chat bot framework for use on various gaming networks such as bnetd, mybnet, fsgs, and Prolix itself is not designed to be a "bot" per say, but is rather a framework for bots. Prolix allows you to "hot load" other bots as the program is running, thus allowing you greater flexibility, as well as the ability to upgrade bot modules without disconnecting.
URL: License: undetermined -- ---------------------------------------------------- Robert Millan Debian GNU/Hurd user zeratul2 wanadoo es ---------------------------------------------------- GPG ID C8D6942C 237F 8688 C2E5 BC64 E152 97B4 FB28 D41B C8D6 942C ---------------------------------------------------- Free Dmitry Sklyarov! ---------------------------------------------------- Join us in civil disobedience and distribute DeCSS!! ---------------------------------------------------- /* efdtt.c Author: Charles M. Hannum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> */ /* Length: 434 bytes (excluding unnecessary newlines) */ /* Usage is: cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob */ /* title-key can be read from the DVD by css-auth. (see */ #define m(i)(x[i]^s[i+84])<< unsigned char x[5],y,s[2048];main(n){for(read(0,x,5);read(0,s,n=2048);write(1,s ,n))if(s[y=s[13]%8+20]/16%4==1){int i=m(1)17^256+m(0)8,k=m(2)0,j=m(4)17^m(3)9^k *2-k%8^8,a=0,c=26;for(s[y]-=16;--c;j*=2)a=a*2^i&1,i=i/2^j&1<<24;for(j=127;++j<n ;c=c>y)c+=y=i^i/8^i>>4^i>>12,i=i>>8^y<<17,a^=a>>14,y=a^a*8^a<<6,a=a>>8^y<<9,k=s [j],k="7Wo~'G_\216"[k&7]+2^"cr3sfw6v;*k+>/n."[k>>4]*2^k*257/8,s[j]=k^(k&k*2&34) *6^c+~y;}}