Package: wnpp Version: N/A; reported 2001-10-16 Severity: wishlist Package name : vortex-{cecil,java,smalltalk,doc,intermediate-source} Version : 3.0 Upstream Author : The UW Cecil Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL : License : MIT/BSD-style without advertising clause; see below Description : an implementation of Cecil, a pure OO language with multimethods
Quoting from the aforementioned web page, Cecil is a purely object-oriented language intended to support rapid construction of high-quality, extensible software. Cecil incorporates multi-methods, a simple prototype-based object model, a mechanism to support a structured form of computed inheritance, module-based encapsulation, and a flexible static type system which allows statically- and dynamically-typed code to mix freely. A number of papers describe language features in more detail. Vortex is an optimizing compiler infrastructure for object-oriented and other high-level languages. It targets both pure object-oriented languages like Cecil and Smalltalk and hybrid object-oriented languages like C++, Modula-3, and Java. Vortex currently incorporates high-level optimizations such as static class analysis, class hierachy analysis, profile-guided receiver class prediction, profile-guided selective procedure specialization, intraprocedural message splitting, automatic inlining, and static closure analyses. It also includes a collection of standard intraprocedural analyses such as common subexpression elimination and dead assignment elimination. The Vortex compiler is written entirely in Cecil. A long technical report describes many of our core implementation techniques, and many shorter papers describe individual techniques. The fact that Vortex is written in Cecil is not as much of a problem as it might seem; upstream distributes binaries I can use to bootstrap on i386, and Vortex generates semi-machine-independent[1] C++[2] as an intermediate stage. Consequently, I can stick the generated source in an arch-all binary package and have my source package build-depend on either the same version of that binary package or an existing install of the compiler. The whole procedure is a bit convoluted, but should work. The full license appears at the end of this message; the only part that seems at all problematic is the DFARS clause at the beginning. However, it should be okay; I brought the issue up on debian-legal a couple of days ago, and the conclusion seems to be that it does not discriminate because it merely denies the US government rights that nobody else has anyway. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or comments, or would like to help out; however, bear in mind that I do not read debian-devel, so you will need to Cc me on any followups you send there. [1] The code is specific to a particular pointer width, but not to any other factors; the compiler can produce either 32- or 64-bit code from any platform, and I'm pretty sure running it once in each mode should cover all of our architectures. [2] Somewhat confusingly labeled as "C." ------------------------------------------------------------ Full upstream license: Copyright 1993-1999, by the Cecil Project Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington All Rights Reserved. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (Oct. 1988) and FAR 52.227-19(c) (June 1987). Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Box 352350 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2350 [EMAIL PROTECTED] LICENSE: You may use the software internally, modify it, make copies and distribute the software to third parties, including redistribution for profit, provided each copy of the software you make contains the copyright notice set forth above, the disclaimer below, and the authorship attribution below. DISCLAIMER: The Cecil Group and the University of Washington make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided to you "AS IS," without express or implied warranties of any kind. The Cecil Group and the University disclaim all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third party rights. The Cecil Group's and the University's liability for claims relating to the software shall be limited to the amount, if any of the fees paid by you for the software. In no event will the Cecil Group or the University be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages in connection with or arising out of this license (including loss of profits, use, data, or other economic advantage), however it arises, whether for breach of warranty or in tort, even if the Cecil Group or the University has been advised of the possibility of such damage. AUTHORSHIP: This software has resulted from the combined efforts of: Craig Chambers, Jeff Dean, Greg DeFouw, Michael Ernst, Charlie Garrett, Dave Grove, MaryAnn Joy, Vassily Litvinov, Phiem Huynh Ngoc, Vitaly Shmatikov, Ben Teitelbaum, and Tina Wong