Package: wnpp Severity: normal Text adventure named "Time: All Things Come To An End" written by Andy Phillips. Source code not available. The single file containing the game can be downloaded separately from, so there may not be any point keeping this package.
I'm orphaning this because I don't have time to update it to comply with current policy. If someone else wants to maintain it, go for it. If it's not adopted within, say, a month, I suggest dropping it from the distribution. -- Charles Briscoe-Smith Hacking Free Software for Alcove PGP/GPG: 1024R/B35EE811 74 68 AB 2E 1C 60 22 94 B8 21 2D 01 DE 66 13 E2 I sign these contracts / that means I'm willing / to keep on doing bloody awful evil things / [...] No! No! / This nightmare must come to an end! -- Seymour, "Little Shop of Horrors", lyrics by Howard Ashman, apparently referring to the ethics of signing non-disclosure agreements