Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

In case anyone is interested in yet another z-code-interpreter, I have 
packaged the perl program "rezrov" and would like any maintainer to 
take a look at and eventually sponsor it.

Description: an Infocom game interpreter, written in Perl, with cheat modes
 Rezrov is an implementation of a z-machine written in pure perl.  In 
 other words, it's a program that can play Infocom games, such as Zork.
 Its chief distinguishing feature from other z-code interpreters is a wide 
 array of cheat commands.  Full documentation, in POD format, can be 
 found embedded in the file "rezrov".
 See for online documentation,
 screenshots, etc.

Find my first packaging trial at


Karsten Tinnefeld                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informatik 2, Universität Dortmund                    T +49 231 755-4737
44221 Dortmund, Deutschland        M +49 172 2877586  F +49 231 755-2047

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