Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

(please Cc me when replying to this mail)

>From the website ( ):

The GlobeCom Jukebox is the perfect tool to coordinate the music in your
office, a nice supplement to your homestereo or even to put on your laptop
if you travel. It is released under an BSD style license with source in


The GlobeCom Jukebox has the following major features.

    * Completely configurable from the web interface.
    * Seamlessly integrated ripping from CD to encoded MP3.
    * Very advanced configuration of random song selection configuration.
    * Grouping of songs.
    * Loads of information about songs.
    * Peak adjustment (For those songs recorded to high).
    * Account management.
    * Toplist of most selected songs (Exponentially decreasing with time).
    * Play, pause, fast forward, rewind through the web interface.
    * Streaming of jukebox or single song.
    * Alarm and sleep functionality.
    * Some actual online help.
    * Synchonisation features between other GlobeCom Jukeboxes.
    * An alpha version KDE interface is under developement.

... and many many more.

License: Apache-style

Jonas Smedegaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +45 40843136
Spiff ApS (aka. IT-guide dr. Jones ApS) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian GNU/Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fngrprn: C02440B8

GNU GPL: "The source will be with you... always."

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