
As specified below, dpkg-mountable is obsolete.  Nobody has commented,
so please remove it.



--- Begin Message ---
Package: wnpp

Hi all,

I'm orphaning this one for a number of reasons, and in fact I think it
should probably be removed altogether from Debian.  When I suggested
this a while ago on -devel there were no responses either way.  The
reasons are

 * I can no longer test new versions of this package, as I'm using
   apt-zip rather than my not-free dialup access.  I wrote it when I
   was accessing the University's NFS archive mirror!

 * It's slightly buggy, and badly out-of-date policy-wise.

 * Apt now provides (AFAIK) all the features provided by
   dpkg-mountable, and some (such as package ordering) that it never
   got around to getting.

It should probably be left to sit for a while, in case somebody does
decide to pick it up, and removed at final freeze if nobody has taken
it up by then.



Andy Mortimer                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Andy walking, Andy tired,
Andy take a little snooze
    -- "Andy Warhol," David Bowie

--- End Message ---

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