Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

I intend to package GB.
Package: gb
License: GPL/LGPL


Gnome Basic is an embryonic attempt to provide VB compatible functionality 
for the GNOME project, particularly with respect to office (VBA) 



Director of Training
Australian Informatics Olympiad Committee

Whenever a relationship of mine is falling apart I hear this song,
usually on the radio. The relationship's falling apart and I'm contemplating
doing something very naughty and on it comes, going, 'I will always love
you, whatever words I say' and I get all sad and weepy and want to get
back together with the person I'm with. There's something about this song.
I wish some guy had written it for me. I write all these songs for guys.
God, I sound all pouty. I don't mean to whine, I hate whiners. But no one's
ever written anything for me. They just go, 'Write me something, babe.'
        - Tori Amos on the Cure's "Love Song"

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