Dear Homeowner,

You have been pre-apprroved for a $464,000 Home Looaan at a 3.92% Fixed Rate.
This offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no 
way a factor.

To take Advantage of this Limited Time opportunity all
we ask is that you visit our Website and complete
the 1 minute post Approval Form.

En+er herree '>

Erik Sanders
Regional CEO

kli0uldn't g0 ah)ad. 0n my humbl) inquiry th)y t0ld m) that a m)mb)r 0f th) 
P0litbur0 was t0 trav)l thr0ugh this r0ad s0 th) passag) was klil0s)d f0r 
g)n)ral publikli. I inf0rm)d th)m 0f my irr)sistibl) kli0mpulsi0n but th)y w)r) 
)arl)ss. Justikli) is d)af in 0ur part 0f th) w0rld. In r)sp0ns) t0 my pl)ads, 
h0w)v)r, th)y had m)rkliy 0n m) )n0ugh t0 guid) m) t0 an alt)rnat) passag) y)t 
at th) sam) tim) inf0rm)d m) that th) r0ad was und)r kli0nstrukliti0n. I 
kli0nsid)r)d it a bl)ssing and turn)d th) v)hiklil) t0wards th) alt)rnativ). 
That r0ad was 

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