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On 03-04-2005 13:45, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 11:33:02AM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>On 02-04-2005 18:14, Floris Bruynooghe wrote:
>>>I have been packaging VPython for some time now and would like to get
>>>it into the main Debian archive.  There has been an ITP for this way
>>>back in September 2001 (#112118) which was retitled to RFP in December
>>>2002 due to nothing happening with it.
>>>Hopefully I tempted someone to sponsor this package.
>>Are you requesting sponsorship or adoption of the package?
>>I have had a look at the package, and find your packaging very well
>>done. I'd like to adopt it if that's ok with you.
>>I do not, however, want to sponsor your package as part of you becoming
>>a Debian Developer (I _do_ want more Debian developers, I just don't
>>believe in the current package sponsoring logic).
> it would not help him to become a developer if you take the
> package out of his hands. he needs to show his l33t packageing
> skills and ability to handle weired debian users/developers to
> build esteem and impress his AM in the current system.

I did expect others to complain. that usually happens when I offer my
packaging skills without at the same time accepting the responibilities
of sponsorship. Sponsorship was not required for me when entering Debian
and I believe the sponsoring program to be broken. If you want to
discuss that then let's do it somewhere else than in this bugreport
(suggestion: debian-project@ ).

Andreas: Feel free to sponsor the package yourself, if you like. I won't
take that responsibility. Call me weird if you like, it won't change my

Floris: You describe the package failing adoption for years, but do not
clearly state if you are in the process of becoming a Debian developer
or not.

I offer to adopt the package and hand it back if/when Floris becomes an
official Debian developer.

For the record: I do _not_ offer to sponsor the package using the
current Debian rules/manners of sponsorship.

> (later, in the small groups setup that could be different.)

I don't know the "small groups setup" you mention - could you please
point me to more on that?


 - Jonas


Please don't cc me - I am subscribed to debian-edu.

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nÃr: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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