-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Beaver Adoption
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 14:59:21 -0500
From: Chris Sacca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, I made a package of 0.2.7 that's lintian and linda clean.  It's a 
newer version and has some bug fixes, but I'm not sure if it should 
really be uploaded.  First off, I couldn't get 0.3.1 to compile for me, 
so I wasn't able to make a package closing the GTK2 bug on beaver.  
Secondly, and more importaintly, upstream isn't really alive.

On to the beaver-devel list, the main maintainer said,

>Personally, I have lost a lot of interest in the project.  Beaver seems
>to be a gedit-clone but without many of the features, GNOME
>dependencies, or stability.  Nowadays, I am more of a GNOME convert, so
>I use gedit in my day-to-day editing and have little motivation to
>continue development of Beaver
I really like beaver, but I don't really have the time ( or really the 
skills ) to maintian the actual code base.  Given that, what should happen?

My package of beaver 0.2.7 is at http://csacca.thecsl.org/debian/beaver/
but perhaps beaver should be dropped from debian as no one is 
maintaining the code any more.

Thank you for your time and advice,

-- Chris Sacca


Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:

>Hi Chris,
>Just go ahead and make the packages. I will be happy to sponser your packages.
> || On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 10:21:56 -0500
> || Chris Sacca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> csacca> Hi
> csacca> I am thinking of contributing some effort to the Debian project and I
> csacca> saw that you had orphaned beaver (bug 273316).  I use the version of
> csacca> beaver in Sarge, but am slightly dissatisfied with it (aka bug 202539)
> csacca> and would be happy to package 0.3 from upstream.
> csacca> Anyways, I was just writing you to ask you if it would be alright with
> csacca> you if I adopt this package, and perhaps, if I make a good solid
> csacca> package that you find satisfactory, to sponsor it and upload it for me.

Version: 3.12
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Version: 3.12
GCS/S d-(+) s+: a--- C++(++++) UL++(++++$) P++>+++ L++>+++ E---- W++ N
o? K- w--- O? M+ V- PS++ PE- Y+ PGP- t+ 5? X+(-) R+>++ tv- b+ DI+ D---
G e>+++ h!>- r*>++ y+

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