On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 10:41 +0100, Peter 'p2' De Schrijver wrote:
> * Package name    : btexmms

xmms plugins would be better named xmms-<something> (btexmms for the
source should be fine though)

>   Version         : x.y.z
>   Upstream Author : Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * URL             : http://www.example.org/
> * License         : (GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.)

mmh, looks like it lacks a few info here...

>   Description     : XMMS plugin to use some (Sony) Ericsson phones as a 
> remote control

what is the name of the feature provided by 'some (Sony) Ericsson' ?
imo, it would looks better with that name instead.

> This plugin allows using some Ericsson and Sony Ericsson phones as a remote 
> control for XMMS. Phones which are known to work are the SE T68i and the
> SE T610. The plugin uses the accessory commands documented in the
> Ericsson R320 manual.

any chance this documentation can be shipped with the package itself ?

ciao, piem

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