Hello, let me answer to this non-question :) >A third point: the DPL's role is only partially to lead Debian. IMHO a >rather important part of the job is to simply represent the principles >and/or rough consensus of the project's members. Branden's missive >doesn't represent any views other than his own (if it does: umm, >Branden, you really should have included a few pointers to previous >discussions).
I really think you got the point, thanks for that. A Leader role is not to check all the single lines of code, to check every decision, to check all the techical discussions. The role of a leader is to lead, to give directions, make sure all the Teams are in good shape and not understaffed, appoint delegates, speak for the project as one single voice and various of other not funny things. A Leader should let people make their choice in a free way, not push people against or for a specific idea. As a Leader, I would like to increase the roles and power of the Teams, and make sure that the voting weight of DPL is the same as the newest DD joined the project. The Leader should stay away from flame wars, otherwise the role will be undermined, and this isn't acceptable. When a person is elected, it becomes the Leader of *everybody*, not just his voters. This has to be clear. thanks for the non-question, it helped a lot specify what to me is a question for a running DPL, and what is a risky, useless flame war. Gianfranco