On Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 11:26:41AM +0100, Debian Project Secretary - Kurt 
Roeckx wrote:
> Hi,
> According to the constitution (5.2. Appointment), project
> leader elections should begin "six weeks before the leadership
> post becomes vacant, or (if it is too late already) immediately."
> The new project leader term starts on 2025-04-21. The time line
> looks like:
> | Period     | Start             | End                 |
> |------------+-------------------+---------------------|
> | Nomination | Sunday 2025-03-09 | Saturday 2025-03-15 |
> | Campaign   | Sunday 2025-03-16 | Saturday 2025-04-05 |
> | Vote       | Sunday 2025-04-06 | Saturday 2025-04-19 |
> Prospective leaders should be familiar with the constitution, but
> just to review: there's a one week period when interested
> developers can nominate themselves and announce their platform,
> followed by a three week period intended for campaigning, followed
> by two weeks for the election itself.
> I intend to collect platform statements from the candidates, and
> publish them at http://www.debian.org/vote/2025/platforms/ at the
> end of the nomination period, which means around 2025-03-16.
> I suggest that the candidates send the platform, preferably in
> wml or HTML, to the secretary at least a day before the
> publication date.
> The format of the web page is open to discussion, but I suggest
> there be at least three sections:
> - Introduction / Biography
> - Major Goal / Meat of the platform
> - Rebuttal.
> The candidates can make a rebuttal.  I would like to receive them
> in the first week of the campaign period, so I can publish them
> around 2025-03-23.
> Details and results for the vote will be published at:
> http://www.debian.org/vote/2025/vote_001
> Please make sure that nominations are sent to (or cc:'d to)
> debian-vote, and are cryptographically signed.

This is my nomination. I don't have a strong platform or anything :D

# Introduction / Biography

I am the main APT maintainer. I work at Canonical in the Foundations
team on Ubuntu since the start of 2018, and I have been a Debian
Developer since 2008.

I'm also a member of a whole bunch of other organisations, SPI and
FSFE on the technical side, and on the issues of politics and lobbying
I'm a member of the German Green party (Bündnis 90/Grüne), the ADFC
(cycling lobby) and ProVeg (a veggie lobbyist group). I'm a non-voting
member of Wikimedia Deutschland too. There may be more orgs that I
forgot, and I am not particularly *active* in actually doing any
lobbying myself.

Y'all know I'm not necessarily the most natural choice for DPL; I'm
not a very social person, it may surface a bunch of conflict of
interests with my work, I sometimes have a tendency to say
things in a particularly bad choice of words, and I tend to
overwork myself with APT already.

I'm running because I believe that we have a problem of not having
enough candidates to do this, not because I believe I'd be good at
it. I hope we get more naturally suited candidates to nominate
themselves :)

# Major Goal / Meat of the platform

I think Debian and Ubuntu can work closer together, but I may also
be biased there.

I honestly have no clue how much work DPL is; but it sounds like
that could do with some assistance, so I'd like to bring up some
DPL assistant team. Some more delegations may also be needed to
avoid any conflicts of interest, or appearances thereof.

I remain invested in diversity, equity and inclusion; and creating
a welcoming culture for everyone.

# Capacity

I will not be able to travel to MiniDebConfs or BSPs. I already travel
roughly every 6 weeks between May and November and can't add more to

debian developer - deb.li/jak | jak-linux.org - free software dev
ubuntu core developer                              i speak de, en

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