Brian May <> writes:

> Simon Josefsson <> writes:
>> Successfully attacking ALL individual developers, with each own
>> individual security weaknesses, seems to me more costly than attacking a
>> single known publicly run instance like tag2upload or Salsa.
> You only need to be able to sucessfully attack *one* developer in order
> to cause significant damage.
> The more popular that developers packages are, the more damage you can
> do.
> So the developer with the weakest security practises and most popular
> packages is probably a prime candidate.

Agreed.  That is already the case, and tag2upload won't change this.

I was talking about comparing the tag2upload design with the current
design (Russ's claim "tag2upload makes this story somewhat better).

I don't think it is a good claim to say that tag2upload will be a
security improvement because "the central server is more secure" than
the weakest developer machine.  To compare apples with apples, from the
attacker point of view, you would have to claim that "the central server
is more secure" than ALL developers.  Otherwise you aren't comparing the
same attacker ability after successful attack.  I don't think it is
reasonable to claim that the central tag2upload server will be more
secure than ALL developer machines.

I believe it would be more honest to admit that tag2upload will lower
the security story for package uploads, and argue that it is still the
right thing to do for other reasons.

Generally, I think the only way to improve security of a system is to
REMOVE functionality, never by adding more new complex functionality.  I
don't see anyone suggesting we will remove any functionality here.  More
security audits of tag2upload are great, and will improve confidence in
it, but claiming that tag2upload will improve overall security of Debian
seems like overstating what it delivers.


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