On Monday, June 17, 2024 12:25:28 AM EDT Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> On 2024-06-15 5 h 03 a.m., Philip Hands wrote:
> > Sean Whitton <spwhit...@spwhitton.name> writes:
> > ...
> > 
> >> The ftpmaster team have refused to trust uploads coming from the
> >> tag2upload service.  This GR is to override that decision.
> > 
> > 
> > Full disclosure:
> > 
> > 
> >    I'm a happy dgit user. The support I've had from Ian for dgit (when I
> >    messed things up, generally) has been outstandingly good, and has
> >    generally resulted in a change to dgit that prevents me (and others)
> >    from messing up in a similar manner. It strikes me that tag2upload is
> >    another stride in the same direction, so I'd like to have the chance
> >    to use it, because I suspect that it will also make contributing to
> >    Debian easier, less error-prone, and just more pleasant.
> > 
> > 
> > [Note: in the following, I am NOT trying to suggest a technical fix, so
> > 
> >   please don't start nitpicking the details -- it's just a thought
> >   experiment that I hope might shed some light on the situation]
> > 
> > 
> > If it were easy to deploy an instance of tag2upload in my house,
> > populated with a sub-key of my GPG key, I would probably set that up
> > (and then start worrying about the security of the sub-key ;-) ).
> > 
> > If I did that, I believe the FTP masters would still accept my uploads.
> > 
> > Should they?  or is it perhaps the case that they are objecting to the
> > idea that tag2upload is capable of reliably generating a source package
> > from a git tag. (I personally trust Ian when he says that it is capable)
> > 
> > If Ian were to offer a hosting service for such personal tag2upload
> > instances, in a way that he assured me could not be used to sign
> > packages unless I had signed a matching git-tag, I would be willing to
> > trust his assurances, and may well take him up on the offer.
> > 
> > It seems to me that such a centralised service is more likely to do
> > things like keep the keys in an HSM, and have effective separation of
> > the components, than something set up by a random developer at home, so
> > one could argue that it's going to be more secure than the self-hosted
> > version.
> > 
> > Would the FTP masters still be OK with that?  If not, what's changed?
> > 
> > If that's OK, but tag2upload as proposed is not, are we really drawing a
> > line based on what name is on the signing key?
> > 
> > Would it make any difference to the FTP masters if there was some way
> > for me to assert that I trust the tag2upload service/key to build/sign
> > source packages for me?
> > 
> > For instance, if one had to sign something with a GPG key that matches
> > the one that later signs a gpg tag, before tag2upload would be willing
> > to process one's signed tags, would that make the FTP masters happier?
> > 
> > Personally, I'm not convinced that would really add anything, since if
> > one has sufficient control of the key to push a signed tag, then one's
> > also going to be able to sign a statement that you want tag2upload to
> > act on that tag, but I thought that describing the options might help
> > narrow down what the perceived problem is.
> > 
> > Of course, without something describing exactly what the problem is from
> > the FTP master's point of view, it's very hard to judge the merits of
> > their position.
> > 
> > Cheers, Phil.
> Thanks for this thought experiment. Although I was already in favor of 
> the proposal, it helped me get a better grasp of what is at stake in 
> this GR.
> As many others have asked already, if there is really an opposition from 
> the FTP masters to the t2u proposal as stated in the draft GR, I urge 
> them to make it heard, especially with regards to Phil's email.

Given recent email on the list, are you still confused about this?

Socially, I think this whole thing is awful.  The objection was clearly stated 
5 years ago and then after 5 years of silence, a GR out of nowhere claiming an 
unwillingness to engage.  So far as I'm aware, no one on the FTP Team has been 
able to find a record of any discussion between the FTP Team and the tag2upload 
developers on this topic since 2019.

Is this how we want Debian to work?

Scott K

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