On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:39:04 PM EDT Russ Allbery wrote:
> Hi all,
> Below is the security review that I did of the tag2upload design.
> I am not a neutral party, in the sense that I think tag2upload is a good
> idea and should be deployed.  However, I do these types of security
> reviews professionally, and I tried to approach this review the same way
> that I would approach a major work project that needed a security review
> to ensure we weren't deploying something with security issues.  I
> encourage any Debian community member with security expertise to check my
> work; with security reviews, the more eyes, the better.
> I will also post this review on my web site, probably later tonight if I
> have time.

I appreciate the thought and effort that went into this review.

If I'm following your description correctly, the tag2upload "package" flow is:

developer --> salsa --> tag2upload --> ftp.upload.debian.org
machine                                               --> dgit-repos

Is that right?

While it may not matter from a post attack detection security trace 
perspective, I think there are more routine trace activities that this 
complicates.  A couple of examples are the signed by listing in the 
tracker.d.o news section for packages and who-uploads from devscripts.

While making package signing information less visible isn't directly a 
security issue, it does seem like a complication that makes it harder to keep 
up with what's going on.

Would you consider these kind of indirect effects relevant from a security 
analysis perspective or are they just non-security concerns from your POV?

Scott K

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