On June 13, 2024 3:02:48 PM UTC, Joerg Jaspert <jo...@debian.org> wrote:
>On 17259 March 1977, Ian Jackson wrote:
>>> Thanks.  Then possibly it is sufficient for ftpmaster just to disable
>>> tag2upload's whole key until the keyring update is pushed.
>> I'm not sure this is a sufficient answer.  We don't want uploads by
>> revoked keys to appear on *.dgit.d.o either.
>> Joerg, is there some way that this fingerprint block information could
>> be made available in a more timely manner?  Ideally we would update
>> push.dgit.d.o to use this information, regardless of tag2upload.
>> (And the t2u conversion system should use it too.)
>> I think maybe we should take this to a different venue, than this
>> thread on -vote.  How about a bug against ftp.d.o and/or
>> dgit-infrastructure ?
>I think this is a minor issue, actually. It does not happen often. For
>the time it will, we can have something like "ftpmaster pushes a list of
>fingerprints via $mechanism" (ssh forced command is widely used for
>similar things, for example).
>That's really simple to implement.

I agree that this isn't a major design issue, but I think it is something that 
I think needs to be addressed before deployment of tag2upload.  The need is 
certainly rare, but when it's needed, it's needed because it's important.

It also suggests to me that it's premature to freeze and mandate the current 
design via GR.

Scott K

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