Quoting Andreas Tille:
>  Am Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 09:23:12AM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
> > I am interested in knowing about what the current candidates think about
> > accounting bits in Debian and how they think about spending the money.
>  I admit my knowledge about how Debian money is spent is currently low
>  and incomplete.

Same here :D

>  Here is a list of things I know / have heard about:
>    1. DebConf (and MiniDebConfs)
>       In my perception the money usage for DebConf is transparet enough
>       I have no idea about MiniDebConfs.
>    2. Smaller in person meetings (Bug squashing parties, team sprints)
>       Sprint organisers have to estimate their budget and need confirmation.
>       Confirmed budget is payed.
>       I have no idea whether those data are published somewhere.
>    3. Infrasturture hardware
>       I was always happy to see that it worked from my mere developer
>       point of view and did not read the reports about this but I
>       know there are some reports.
>    4. Hardware for developers
>       I once profited from a Debian sponsored laptop in exchange for some
>       review[1].  I know that other DDs also got hardware which is for
>       different reasons interesing to make sure Debian runs properly.
>       I have no idea whether there is some list about this (in terms of
>       transparent usage of the money)  
>    5. There is probably way more missing in this list.
> > As I have read and from time to time observed, the finances in the project
> > do not have a lot of transparency and there are updates posted 
> > semi-occasionally
> > on -private and sometimes in DPL talks. Jonathan also wrote about it in one 
> > of their
> > previous campaigns.
>  I would love to be transparent about money.  Currently I have no idea
>  how time consuming this process compared to DPL tasks in general might
>  be.  I'd love to get help here which is also a way to increase
>  transparency if more eyes are looking onto this topic.
> > Itd also be good to know if there's a plan on where the budget
> > shall be best spent.
>  I have no idea how to measure "best" usage objectively.  I strongly
>  believe that in person meetings are very important so I consider the
>  money for item 1. and 2. of my list above spent well and would encourage
>  people to organise those events which should be supported by Debian
>  money.
>  Its probably without question that we need good infrastructure hardware.
>  If bottlenecks might be spotted which can be fixed quickly with existing
>  money I'm all for it.
> > I would like to know if the candidates for this term have any plans about 
> > it or any thoughts
> > in general.
>  In general I think that people donating money to Debian expect their
>  money to be spent for the progress of Debian (rather than filling up
>  our bank account[2]).
>  I'm also open to exploring new ways to allocate funds. I'm hopeful that
>  we can derive some positive insights from the Debian Developer's Survey
>  on the Usage of Money in Debian[3]. Personally, I'm open to discussing
>  whether to compensate contributors for important tasks that either
>  nobody wants to do or lacks people with sufficient time capacity to
>  undertake those tasks. I recall the various pros and cons raised during
>  past discussions on this matter, but if people believe it's time to
>  initiate a fresh discussion, I'm very receptive to that.
>  BTW, I don't believe that only the DPL can initiate such a discussion.
>  But for sure I'm very open for suggestions and will support any
>  initiative to make Debian better.

In principle yes, but it is finally upto DPL to approve most of the things 
about payments.

>  As a very personal note what I think about money:  In my eyes money has
>  a great power to divide people.  Discussion about it is usually heated
>  and it is hard to find a good consensus due to very different
>  perspectives onto that matter specifically since there is hardly a
>  technical proof what is right and what is wrong.  This makes a great
>  difference to other decisions we have to draw inside Debian.
> > Both of your platforms have only a (very) vague idea about it and I'd like 
> > to know more
> > specifics about it.
>  If you want to know more details please be more specific in your
>  question.

No, your answer is really good and answers most of what I wanted to know. Since 
we are
yet to find out more details about accounting, I suppose you'd be able to grok
the same in more details if you are elected. I'd bring up this topic again if I 
there's a need for more transparency and detailing -- maybe after a few months 
or so.

> > PS: I urge _only_ the candidates to reply to this mail 😀
>  I'm personally interested into specific proposal how people consider
>  money well spent and might answer these in different treads (since
>  Nilesh wants only replies from candidates).

Precisely for this reason - to prevent this thread from becoming
a (potentially) mega thread :)


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