Steve McIntyre dixit:

>Please go and *read* and *respond* in debian-vote. The discussion is
>there, not here.

I wrote where the Reply-To pointed to. Perhaps if that had been

>You've utterly missed Phil's point about people not seeing or hearing
>boot options.

I didn’t. I pointed out that people can select different bootloader
options if their bootloader is already set up for them, or that they
can pre-create different images with nōn-free-firmware enabled if not.

>Go and read my first mail in the thread for context.

That? It doesn’t at all address the bootloader.


My motivation is as follows: I’d love to make some amount of gratis
redistributable firmware available, but most definitely *not* as
default, because that would undermine what Debian promises. On the
other hand, officially creating two kinds of installers, images, etc.
will get old very soon, so folding them to have only one, where those
parts can optionally (but NOT by default) be enabled, ideally before
d-i starts, would make sense to me.

I’ll most certainly vote anything that enables it by default below NOTA.

<ch> you introduced a merge commit        │<mika> % g rebase -i HEAD^^
<mika> sorry, no idea and rebasing just fscked │<mika> Segmentation
<ch> should have cloned into a clean repo      │  fault (core dumped)
<ch> if I rebase that now, it's really ugh     │<mika:#grml> wuahhhhhh

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