On August 23, 2022 5:38:52 PM GMT+02:00, Simon Josefsson <si...@josefsson.org> 
> I have no problem
>with builtin non-upgradeable firmware -- see
>https://ryf.fsf.org/about/criteria for rationale. 

I've always had a really hard time understanding that rationale, despite not 
doubting the FSF's good intentions. Would you indulge in an exaggerated thought 
experiment to help me understand?

Machine A is a pretty normal laptop. It runs whatever you want, but in order 
for it to be usable, it needs non-free firmware. Say CPU microcode and some GPU 
firmware blob. Said firmware is upgradable (the user has to initiate the 
upgrade, but may not be able to load any code they want).

Machine B has two independent CPUs. CPU 1 is wonderfully free, and in itself 
requires no non-free firmware to run. However, CPU 2 is completely outside of 
the user's control. It runs 10 GB worth of proprietary OS. On top of that is a 
proprietary emulator for CPU 1. CPU 1 is hard-wired to pass any instruction it 
executes on to the proprietary OS running on CPU 2, which executes it in its 
proprietary emulator. But hey, all that stuff running on CPU 2 is completely 
non-upgradable, burned in at the factory only and physically unchangeable.

A debate about whether A or B is more free can perhaps be nuanced. But does the 
FSF rationale really imply that machine A is non-free while machine B is free?

Thanks for indulging me with this silly thought experiment.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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