Russ Allbery <> writes:

> Philip Hands <> writes:
>> The blurb that's sent out with the votes says:
>>   To vote "no, no matter what", rank "None of the above" as more
>>   desirable than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "None of
>>   the above" choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank.
>> which to me suggests that if one ranks something as equal to NotA then
>> one is not marking it as unacceptable, so presumably it is counted as
>> acceptable -- is that how such votes are calculated?
> The relevant provision of the constitution is:
>     A.5.3. Any (non-default) option which does not defeat the default
>     option by its required majority ratio is dropped from consideration. 
>       1. Given two options A and B, V(A,B) is the number of voters who
>          prefer option A over option B.
>       2. An option A defeats the default option D by a majority ratio N,
>          if V(A,D) is greater or equal to N * V(D,A) and V(A,D) is
>          strictly greater than V(D,A).
>       3. If a supermajority of S:1 is required for A, its majority ratio
>          is S; otherwise, its majority ratio is 1.
> My understanding of the implications of this process (and Kurt is
> authoritative here, of course) is that if you rank NOTA equally with an
> option, that vote is not part of V(A,D) or V(D,A) since neither option is
> preferred over the other, and therefore has no effect either way on
> whether an option is discarded because it doesn't meet majority.

Ah, right -- it seems that I had a typo in the grep pattern I was
pointing at the tally file, which was confusing me. Having fixed that,
I can now see that it is exactly as you describe.  Thanks :-)

In that case, a vote of '--1-' does make sense, if one doesn't actually
want to block a sufficiently large vote for options 1 or 2. In fact it's
probably what I should have voted rather than '--12' in order to reflect
my actual view.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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