not having followed the discussions on debian-vote leading to the
current GR, but reading the details for the first time in the CFV email,
I was confused by an "undefined reference":
On 15/01/2022 00.53, Debian Project Secretary - Kurt Roeckx wrote:
Choice 2: Amend resolution process, allow extension of discussion period
Much of the rationale of Russ' proposal still applies, and indeed this
What is "Russ' proposal"?
My first thought was: Why is this making a reference to something from
the previous discussion period without explicitly stating it?
Checking the corresponding website it becomes clear that this seems to
be a reference to "Proposal A" (in the version of 202x-xx-xx),
unfortunately the proposers are not listed in the CFV email.
s/Russ' proposal/Proposal A/ would have made this even clearer on the
website, but "Proposal A" is also undefined in the CFV email (where is
is called "Choice 1").
Please Cc: me, I'm not subscribed.