
On 05.11.21 16:11, Ulrike Uhlig wrote:
On 05.11.21 15:23, Gard Spreemann wrote:> Felix Lechner <felix.lech...@lease-up.com> writes:

Please note that in the former GDR, which seems to be a part of the rest of Germany nowadays, even though income maps seem to indicate otherwise [1], the word "Führerschein" (literally: guide certificate - where guide is a vehicle guide) was replaced by "Fahrerlaubnis" (driving permission) [2] and is still widely used with this connotation in this part of the country. (In reunified Germany, the term is also used, but means something slightly different.)

I need to correct what I said, because it's probably factually wrong. Likely, the term was not "replaced" as I said above but instead "tried to be avoided" - and it still is by some. The point I was trying to make was that the German usage of "Führerschein" was and is definitely not as uncontroversial as it has been presented in this thread.

Sorry for adding another off-topic message to an already off-topic thread!


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