On 2021-04-20 18:12, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
Bernd, sometimes the devil is in the details, and that's certainly the
case with voting systems.
Why should I rank options if there is only a limited number of
options I care about, and the others are just equally bad
choices imho?
I feel like we're sort of belaboring a point.
If someone voted
does it really seem plausible that they actually thought Option 2 was
exactly as bad as Option 5? So if Option 1 were removed from the
table, and they personally would pick which remaining option would be
chosen, they'd be just as happy with any of Options 2-8?
Basically my vote was like
with 2 being FD, but 1----- would also have been fine for me,
although I wanted to have FD higher than the other options in this
case. So if 1 would have been removed, I'd most likely have voted
2------, with ------- also being an option
Which is also even in democratic/political voting systems something
you can express with your vote (at least in Germany).
I did not want to spend time on figuring out if voting ------- in
our voting system is the same as not voting at all, but in
political votes it actually makes a difference. Also I think
voting "I don't care about the outcome, all is fine for me" is
better than not voting at all, even in Debian.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
http://bzed.de http://www.debian.org
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