On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 10:51:26AM +0100, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
> Hey Adrian,

Hi Barak,

> > When looking at the tally of the latest systemd vote,[1]
> > there are plenty of votes like
> >   1-------
> >
> > It is obvious what these voters wanted to express,
> > and that their ballot was wrongly filled due to a
> > lack of understanding how our voting system works.
> That's really interesting.
> Maybe we should cobble up a GUI tool to download & correctly fill out
> & sign & email a ballot? Instead of numbering items (which requires
> knowing how to count) people could drag them into an order, etc. This
> would allow inactive or non-uploading DDs, ones who can't manage (or
> can't be arsed) to fill out and gpg-sign a ballot, to express their
> valuable opinions. It could look for the right key using the
> devscripts mechanisms, like ~/.devscripts DEBSIGN_KEYID and
> environment variables and such. Maybe check if any available private
> keys appear on the Debian keyring. That way people who haven't needed
> their key in years could still vote.
> (Not sure if joking.)

after thinking about it for a few days, I suggest the following change 
to the Constitution:

+All options must be ranked.
-Not all options need be ranked.
-Ranked options are considered preferred to all unranked options.
 Voters may rank options equally.
-Unranked options are considered to be ranked equally with one another. 

Such a change would not remove any voting options since votes 
like 1------- have equivalent espressions like 12222222.

But it would help voters who are not used to ranking from
real-world elections.

> --Barak.


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