Le vendredi 09 avril 2021 à 10:08:07+0900, Norbert Preining a écrit :
> > Please let this thread go extinct.
> Isn't it easy to try to make a thread go extinct when the perpetrator is
> on "your side", while writing again and again when it is the other way
> round. Very impressed by your "fairness" and "inclusiveness".

Hi Norbert,

Contrary to yours, I actually see Ulrike's reply as applying to
everyone, and therefore, of interest.

Could you refrain from spiling oil on ashes next time, please? I was
happy to see that you were able to manage your frustration to not add up
to the situation, and now I'm a sad panda.


Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.

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