Suppose Debian is to receive a similar letter of aggression, e.g.
"We IBM and Mozilla Foundation think that your duly elected project
leader is unworthy."

Wouldn't the only reasonable response to that be "mind your own business"? 

Note that if we start discussing response and putting it out for GR then
we are DoS'ed successfully.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/52B6BBD953968D1B


The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the
means employed determine the nature of the ends produced.
    -- Aldous Huxley


And how long a lockdown is enough? If we open now, will lockdown recur in
autumn? Next year? Whenever authoritarianism so wishes? No dictatorship
could imagine a better precedent for absolute control.
    :: BMJ 2020;369:m1924 "Should governments continue lockdown to slow the 
spread of covid-19?"

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