Le dimanche 04 avril 2021 à 16:37:15-0700, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> On Sun, Apr 04, 2021 at 03:09:10PM +0200, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> > On Tue, 2021-03-30 at 12:18 +0200, Ulrike Uhlig wrote:
> > > People without voting rights repeatedly tried to lobby or push for a 
> > > certain agenda on this list. 
> > Welcome to Debian.
> > People are free to express their opinion, even if they are not owning
> > an @debian.org email address. And that is actually a very good thing.
> > The interested reader is able to filter messages and maybe maintain a
> > list of people to ignore if needed. It might be annoying for you, but
> > free speech is not always fun.
> People are free to express their opinion.  That does not mean the Debian
> Project is obligated to provide a platform for those opinions on the
> debian-vote mailing list, which exists to facilitate discussions among
> voting members of the Debian Project regarding matters that will be voted
> on.
> Non-voting posters to debian-vote are almost exclusively outside agitators
> and there's no reason subscribing to debian-vote should mean receiving their
> bullshit in our mailboxes.

Even though it's hard and can be tiresome to many of us (and maybe
drives some away), as long as possible, I'd like the majority of our
lists to stay open to all people willing to express something.

Blocking potentially relevant comments from non contributors because
some trolls are trying to wreck havoc is giving them too much importance
and therefore giving them an easy victory.

And, despite what I personally think, a non-contributor calling the RMS
vote a "witch hunt" is not necessarily a troll.

An angry person, surely. But being angry and being a troll are two
orthogonal things.

That's my two cents, and I'm no one to decide, of course.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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