Everyone: There are currently two GRs (the DPL vote and the RMS statement) which have proved contentious and created large amounts of discussion, stifling some of the discussion we might normally have had. The vote period on both GRs has now started: please, everyone, stop posting mail to -vote trying to persuade people to one viewpoint or another. The discussion period has formally finished. We've had large numbers of mails to debian-vote. It is time to pause discussion. Can we please leave folks to make their choices as they think appropriate - however good or bad you may think those choices are, they are somebody else's choices to make in their own right - and go back to focusing on other Debian activities? The community team has had various emails: this mail is being sent by me, Andy Cater, to forestall further appeals to community if possible. Please also respect the integrity and independence of the Debian Project secretary and the mechanics of the voting, tallying and results process: this is the time to participate in voting and respect the integrity of Debian's normal processes.
Thanks Andy Cater [amaca...@debian.org]