>>>>> "SM" == Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> writes:

    SM> On Sat, Apr 03, 2021 at 12:26:56PM +1100, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
    >> On Friday, 2 April 2021 11:09:42 PM AEDT Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
    >>> Thanks for arguing for my point: Communism was a beautiful
    >>> theoretical

    >>> idea which was implemented by humans and therefore was a
    >>> miserable fuckup in the end.
    >>> I still think the concept is really interesting, but I can't see
    >>> a working implementation as soon as there are humans who would
    >>> want to be leaders in such regimes.
    >>> I don't see a connection with free speech here, anyway.
    >> What a nasty disgraceful style of debating you have, Pierre.

    SM> You might disagree with him, but please stop attacking the
    SM> person. It's not necessary and only lowers the tone of debate.

Yes, please.

    >> You understood very well what I'm saying and I'm is not
    >> confirming your point. Communism is a bad ideology that does not
    >> work (and could not work even in theory) - that's why it should
    >> be "cancelled".  Free speech is a beautiful working practice but
    >> it is in the way of terrible ideas and that's why they want to
    >> "cancel" free speech.

    SM> And other people disagree with you on those points. Please
    SM> accept that and leave it there?

Please note that some of us who suffered from communism and got both
theoretical and practical training in marxism-leninism may be quite
sensitive to claims that communism was a beautiful theoretical idea or
putting some kind of equations between communism and freedom of speech.
I had to hold off myself to not respond to those claims, which were not
helpful and the intended points could be illustrated in better ways.


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