>>>>> "DS" == Dmitry Smirnov <only...@debian.org> writes:

    DS> So many man-hours were lost on this GR already in the midst of
    DS> the pre-release freeze, just to name one problem...

    DS> We are on a slippery slope of turning Debian into political
    DS> project.

One good thing about this GR is that it will show us how much support
the various vocal groups actually have.  I had to go through a lot of
annoying stuff again due to this GR (unlike technical GRs, it can’t be
easily ignored, left to be decided by more knowledgeable DDs and then
accept the outcome whatever it is) but it caused me to reflect on human
behavior, society and Debian again and now I’d like to know the answer
about Debian.

Debian already is a political project to some extent, if nothing else
then in its stance on free and proprietary software.  Let’s see how far
it is with some other things.  Whether we’d like asking the question or
not, we’ll get the answer and can further proceed based on facts rather
than impressions we could get from debates.


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