
> Hi,
> I hereby propose to have another option on the ballot:
> ---8<---8<---8<---
> The Debian Project co-signs the statement regarding Richard Stallman's 
> readmission to the FSF board seen at https://rms-support-letter.github.io/. 
> The text of this statement is given below.
> [...]
> To the ambush mob who is ganging up on Richard Stallman over reasonable 
> arguments in debate and various opinions and beliefs voiced over decades as a 
> public figure:
> You have no part in choosing the leadership of any communities. Especially 
> not 
> via another mob attack which does not remotely resemble a fairly conducted 
> debate as exemplified by better people such as Richard Stallman.
> ---8<---8<---8<---
> [...]

Assuming that the letter from https://rms-support-letter.github.io/ is
signed by Debian, could we please have clarified up front how the above
paragraphs affects Debian developers ability to vote for DPLs (which I
assume counts as having a "part in choosing the leadership of any

Notably, if it implies that Debian Developers some developers (e.g.
those who signed the open letter or voted certain elements on the ballot
higher than FD, etc.) would no longer be able to participate in DPL
votes, then I see this ballot as a change of our current constitutional
power (§4.1).

Accordingly, I think this ballot should require a constitutional change
and a 3:1 majority or the text should explicitly state that no current
or future Debian Developer is considered a part of the "ambush mob".


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