On 24/03/21 4:26 am, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Hello,
> I hope not to be too inflamatory with this. As you are surely aware,
> last week Richard Stallman was reinstated as part of the Board of
> Directors of the FSF. That is something deeply disturbing and
> confidence-shattering for many of us.
> Some people have moved to action -- if nothing more, at least to
> express they are disgusted with the turn of events, and to say the
> organizations they represent believe it to be detrimental to the FSF's
> own image and projection into the future. Particularly, I mean the
> following two pages, of very different nature:
>     https://opensource.org/OSI_Response
>     https://rms-open-letter.github.io/
> Now, as for my question: I thought repeatedly over the last couple of
> days whether to start something like this in Debian... But, what would
> it take for the project to issue a statement in this line? Would we
> have to pass a GR?
> I am sure there is a precedent of a position statement being announced
> without having a formal vote about it, but I cannot find it at the
> moment. Sruthi, Jonathan: What is your take on this? If you were a DPL
> today, would you feel OK issuing a position statement on behalf of the
> project?

In this particular instance, I personally agree with your views and I
believe Debian should have a position statement. I think for position
statements, we should have a GR and if I was a DPL, I would have
proposed one by now. If there is a possibility to issue a statement
without a formal vote, I would have initiated an initial discussion on
-private and went ahead with a short statement first and a detailed
version after the GR.

> ...
> (And yes, with this I am probably forcing you to disclose a position
> on the subject... I'm sorry for that. But I think that, as a candidate
> for the DPL position, knowing your position on the issue also makes
> sense)

I am more than happy to share my position on this. :)

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