Five pieces of indisputable evidence of forced organ harvesting of Falun Dafa 
followers in China
1. Big jump in organ transplants in China coincides with onset of persecution 
of Falun Gong (Falun Dafa). 
The number of organ transplants increased immediately after the Chinese 
Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Gong in China on July 
20, 1999. Over the past ten years, China has conducted more than 90,000 various 
organ transplant operations, providing a huge revenue and profit for the second 
largest economy in the world. 
Let’s use liver transplants as an example:
As Chinese government statistics show, there were only 78 liver transplants 
performed nationwide from 1991 to 1998.
In 1999, 2000 and 2001, however, there were 118, 254 and 486 liver transplants 
in China, respectively. 
In 2003, the number of liver transplants grew to over 3,000.
According to the China Medical Organ Transplant Association, there were nearly 
4,000 liver transplants conducted in China in 2005.
In other countries, a patient has to wait for a long time to get a matching 
organ. In the past in China, the patient was always expected to wait for the 
needed organs to become available, but now in China, the needed organs wait for 
the patient, which begs the question: Where does this large supply of organs 
come from?

2. A marked number of Falun Gong practitioners go missing at the same time that 
there is a rapid increase in the number of organ transplant operations in 
After reports emerged of numerous people disappearing, it became a key to 
solving this sinister crime: the Chinese Communist Party sanctioned forced 
organ harvesting from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners 
of conscience and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups . As a 
result, two apparently separate incidents – the large number of missing Falun 
Dafa followers and the rapid growth of Chinese organ transplants – are 

3. China’s lack of transparency regarding the source of organs for 
transplantation. Organ transplants in China are conducted without revealing the 
identity of the donor.
Neither the people who receive organ transplants nor their agent in China is 
informed about the source of the organs that they are getting.
4. Incredibly short average waiting periods of only one to two weeks, compared 
to waiting periods ranging from two to three years in other countries, 
coincided with the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong in China (July 
5. Admission of the regime’s representative and the testimony of witnesses.
At a meeting with the press, Huang Jiefu, former Chinese Vice-Minister of 
Health, said that the major source of organs comes from executed prisoners... 
David Kilgour, co-author of the book Bloody Harvest and a former Canadian 
Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific, tells the story of a patient who went to 
China for a kidney transplant. Back in 2003, a 32-year-old man received a  
kidney transplant at the No.1 People's Hospital in Shanghai. Due to an antibody 
problem, he received four kidneys in eight days, but all of them were rejected. 
Three months later, he went back to the hospital and received four more kidneys 
and finally was given one that his body did not reject. Eight people were 
murdered in this process.
Since China’s wait times have reduced so dramatically, the nation has turned 
into a center for global organ transplant tourism.
Article 35 and 36 of the Chinese Constitution stipulate that Chinese citizens 
have freedom of speech and freedom of belief. However, the CCP controls the 
government and knowingly violates the law and illegally persecutes Falun Gong 
practitioners and other different groups for their beliefs, violating the 
One of the major reasons for the brutal persecution of Falun Gong  in China 
stems from the practitioners’ faith in the principles of truthfulness, 
compassion and tolerance. These universal values lie in direct opposition to 
the ideology of the Communist Party, which thrives on lies, corruption and 

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