Kurt Roeckx dijo [Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 06:31:11PM +0100]:
> > > One question.  Should I extend the voting period to give people more
> > > time to vote given that holidays are near.  I'm not sure it would help
> > > much because I think the primary effect of doing that would be to extend
> > > the voting period into the middle of the holidays.  But if people think
> > > it might help and would not be harmful I'm happy to do so.
> > 
> > yes, please do so. Also please motivate people to go voting on d-d-a. I
> > think this is a way too important question to miss votes from those who
> > are on holidays or don't have their gpg key available in that week.
> Remind people to make sure their PGP keys aren't expired ...
FWIW I mailed last month to all people with expired keys in the
keyring, and some of them updated new versions. I *didn't* mail people
with keys soon-to-expire.

The keyring-maint team usually performs keyring uploads around the
24th-25th each month; johns pushed the new keyring last Sunday. I
*guess* very few people will fall in this case.

But in case there is people locked out of voting... We can rush an
extra upload before the vote finishes, as we did IIRC during the DPL
vote. Of course, only if you (as the brains behind the devotee
operation) confirm that fiddling with the keyring while the multiple
coins are in the air will not disrupt anything...

Greetings (from someone that is scheduled for a key transition in the
next push),

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