I propose the following amendment to clarify the division of
responsibilities problem that Scott noticed.  I'm not seeking seconds
since I suspect Sam will accept this amendment.

Below each quoted sentence is the proposed replacement.

(The terminology in use in Policy is incredibly awkward, and this exercise
once again makes me want to do the immense amount of work required to make
it less ambiguous.)

Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org> writes:

> Choice hartmans1: Affirm Init Diversity


> Current policy makes it an RC bug to include a service unit without an
> init script.

Current policy says that packages must not include a service unit without
an init script.

> Policy editors are requested to amend policy; a package having a
> service unit but without an init script is no longer an RC bug, but
> including an init script is appropriate for a non-maintainer upload.
> Policy editors are requested to consider whether there are cases where
> removing an init script that used to be provided should be RC because
> it would break a system on upgrade.

Policy editors are requested to amend policy; a package including a
service unit should include an init script (meaning that not doing so is
considered a bug), but this is not required (meaning that it is not a
serious bug).  However, adding an init script to such a package is
appropriate for a non-maintainer upload.  Policy editors are requested to
consider whether there are cases where packages must not remove an init
script that used to be provided because it would break a system on
upgrade.  The release team is requested to consider whether there are
cases where removing an init script should be a release-critical bug for
the same reason.


> Similarly, packages may freely use other systemd facilities such as
> timer units, subject to the above constraints, but not also supporting
> non-systemd systems is a (non-RC) bug and non-maintainer uploads to add
> that support are appropriate.

Similarly, packages may freely use other systemd facilities such as timer
units, subject to the above constraints, but not also supporting
non-systemd systems is a (non-serious) bug and non-maintainer uploads to
add that support are appropriate.


Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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