On Tue, Apr 09, 2019 at 12:12:10PM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> On 15367 March 1977, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> > - originally set to 2019-04-07
> > - updated on 2019-04-08 to 2021-04-06 and pushed to various keyservers
> >   including keyring.debian.org.
> That was a bit late, but the right place to send to.

FYI, the last keyring update was done on 2019-03-24, and they are
generally done monthly.
So, yes, late.

> Updates send to keyring.d.o are not automagically included in the
> keyrings the debian infratructure uses. It needs a keyring maint to run
> some tool.
> *Usually* they do not do that during running elections, just short before
> they start,
> so you may be out of luck.

You could try to contact the keyring-maint team, maybe they are willing
to do an ad-hoc update to include your key, but I expect you'll be out
of luck.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

GPG Key: 66AE 2B4A FCCF 3F52 DA18  4D18 4B04 3FCD B944 4540      .''`.
more about me:  https://mapreri.org                             : :'  :
Launchpad user: https://launchpad.net/~mapreri                  `. `'`
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