
Missatge de Martin Michlmayr <t...@cyrius.com> del dia dj., 14 de març
2019 a les 5:26:

> * Lucas Nussbaum <lu...@debian.org> [2019-03-14 00:05]:
> > Also, from the DPL POV, it would be very useful to have an annual
> > report on Debian finances. I don't know if this exists nowadays.

> It doesn't.  I wanted to do something like that a few years ago but it
> wasn't possible because we couldn't get the needed data from SPI at
> that time.

> Hector was going to put something together more recently but I haven't
> seen it.

Indeed, I tried to gather data to produce such report last year (early
2018), however few issues arised:
- numbers were far from being accurate
- TOs report their finances at different times in the year in different ways
- On Debian side we did not have a list of expenses/incomes. Expenses,
at least, should now be tracked via RT
- We keep dealing with unexpected issues with TOs.

Overall producing an annual report was quite difficult if we want it
to be accurate. Producing some rough numbers should be doable.
So, instead producing annual reports, I was thinking it'd be easier to
produce monthly updates in DPL report about which expenses have been
approved (and the amount).
If TO are able to tell use the monthly incomes, then we could add them
to the report as well.

Since Debian Treasurer team exists we have not been very good
communicating with community and there seems to be a bit of confusion,
so I'll get Debian Treasurer update to d-d-a in the following months.
However, let's get back on-topic and no worry about finances now but
find a good leader to drive the project for the following term.

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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