On 03/03/2019 01:17, Debian Project Secretary - Kurt Roeckx wrote:

> Please make sure that nominations are sent to (or cc:'d to)
> debian-vote, and are cryptographically signed.

A lot of people contacted me encouraging me to run for DPL as a way to
help Debian out of the current cultural and political problems.

Please judge my platform and ability to delivery rather than anything else.


B. CompSc, University of Melbourne.  Previously elected to office in
Melbourne Uni Student Union, National Union of Students, Virtual
Moreland, YYRC, FSFE, directorships in various limited companies (all
private), an employee pension scheme and IFSO.  Languages: English, some
French, basic German and Spanish.  Location: Dublin/Lausanne/London.


Leading and not managing.  Building people up, not micro-managing them.

My platform:

Inspired by various apologies (stolen generation, Alan Turing, etc),
using the DPL role to formally apologize to everybody who has been
subject to defamation, disparaging comments, bullying or bastardization
by any leadership figure in the Debian organization, regardless of
whether such statements were made through a public list, debian-private
or personal emails.

Formally retracting and voiding those defamatory statements made by
the present and past leaders of the project

No more bastardization of volunteers with demotions and other
condescending, degrading and generally abusive communications

Shutting down the debian-private mailing list

Restoring the creditworthiness of the project, looking into all
reports of unpaid reimbursements, starting with RT ticket #7180 which
FFIS has failed to answer questions about.

Requiring all trust organizations to provide a brief machine-readable
financial summary, similar to the VAT returns produced by European
companies, every 3 months.  Any trust organization who can't do this may
be suspended (or demoted?  Oops, I ruled out demotions already)

Holding a peace summit for all disaffected members of the community.
Geneva and Dublin are potential locations but we could also follow the
US President's example and go to Hanoi, we will probably achieve more
there too.

Given the recent statements people have made in their official
capacities denouncing human rights principles, I would make an official
but rather abstract statement that the project embraces human rights
principles and seek input from the wider community and other
organizations about how to implement this commitment in practice.  This
will hopefully lead to an upgrade of the code of conduct with a more
balanced code that includes both rights and obligations, serving the
needs of all those with an interest in these topics.

Disbanding the anti-harassment team.  Creating a "pro-understanding"
team, starting over from scratch with a focus on welfare, mediation,
conflict resolution, building people up instead of tearing them down.
No more snitching and witch hunts.  This may involve an elected welfare
officer who is independent of the DPL.

Establishing a membership committee, elected by proportional
representation, with authority over DAM and clearer procedures and
criteria to ensure no member is trampled on or subjected to blackmail
ever again.

Migrating official communications of the project to platforms that are
resistant to censorship and gatekeepers.  Let's stop relying on Planet
Debian and lists.debian.org.  Get an RTL-SDR dongle and tune in to HB9FZT

Closing the lea...@debian.org email address, delegating all remaining
tasks of the DPL and turning it into a role that any member of the
community could see themselves doing.  Organizing an executive committee
meeting once every 2 weeks to make decisions.  It is interesting to note
that Switzerland is run this way, most people holding public office have
to keep their day job.

Resisting the urge to make official statements on Brexit from the
role of leader@.  Tusk has said it all anyway: there is a special place
in hell for the Brexiteers without a plan.  My final word on this issue:
if the UK doesn't want to be in the EU, give their place to
Albania+Kosovo then stop talking about Brexit and bring on the Ashes.

Split the DPL role between a chairperson and a CEO role, the
chairperson would facilitate the executive meetings while the CEO would
be a continuation of the DPL, hands-on.  If somebody has a conflict with
one of these roles, they would be able to speak to the person in the
other role.

Making changes that will aim to increase the ratio of women in Debian
to 3% within 12 months.  One idea is to appoint a couple of
female developers as Deputy DPL and asking them to handle all the
invitations to speak at events.  At least one event every month for
listening to women, not quite Women's MiniDebConf, less formal and with
more voices.  Looking for opportunities for women from other
organizations, outside the free software monoculture, to make a
contribution and give mentorship.

Not staying in office for more than 1 year.  Resigning early if I tick
off everything on this list.  Nobody should feel an obligation to serve
out their term in a role like this.  In Australian politics, there are
no fixed terms and betting on when the PM will decide to call an
election is all part of the fun.



Debian Developer

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