Hi, This is the first call for votes on the DPL election of 2018.
Voting period starts 2018-04-03 00:00:00 UTC Votes must be received by 2018-04-16 23:59:59 UTC This vote is being conducted as required by the Debian Constitution. You may see the constitution at https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution. For voting questions or problems contact secret...@debian.org. The details of the candidate's platform can be found at: https://www.debian.org/vote/2018/platforms/ Also, note that you can get a fresh ballot any time before the end of the vote by sending a mail to bal...@vote.debian.org with the subject "leader2018". To vote you need to be a Debian Developer. HOW TO VOTE First, read the full text of the platform. You might also want to read discussions with the candidates at https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/ To cast a vote, it is necessary to send this ballot filled out to a dedicated e-mail address, in a signed message, as described below. The dedicated email address this ballot should be sent to is: leader2...@vote.debian.org The form you need to fill out is contained at the bottom of this message, marked with two lines containing the characters '-=-=-=-=-=-'. Do not erase anything between those lines, and do not change the choice names. There are 2 choices in the form, which you may rank with numbers between 1 and 2. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue until you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 2. You may skip numbers, leave some choices unranked, and rank options equally. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. To vote "no, no matter what", rank "None Of The Above" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "None Of The Above" choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. (Note: if the "None Of The Above" choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the "None Of The Above" choice by the voting software). Finally, mail the filled out ballot to: leader2...@vote.debian.org. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. You may, if you wish, choose to send a signed, encrypted ballot: use the vote key appended below for encryption. The voting software (Devotee) accepts mail that either contains only an unmangled OpenPGP message (RFC 2440 compliant), or a PGP/MIME mail (RFC 3156 compliant). To avoid problems I suggest you use PGP/MIME. VOTING SECRECY This is a secret vote. After the voting period there will be a record of all the votes without the name of the voter. It will instead contain a cryptographic hash. You will receive a secret after you have voted that can be used to calculate that hash. This allows you to verify that your vote is in the list. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5270cc4f-e99f-419e-9cac-4792aa4c6547 [ ] Choice 1: Chris Lamb [ ] Choice 2: None Of The Above - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQENBFrCnjIBCACpeswSNpmfTXPn5CYo9puNWcvzHS9nWRrKeiOh27A55ussBH/c W+n0Hgi/adFO5l6FVd3ZCheC5HA8HWHPsluIUTgbuDEhQdaalhYdJWVODVXgVlJt XInHYLeL8Fq2UTegzZ3HLztDCzT57vBkVs+CMv3ktV+91At9Sx9krGsF2ikaI4/4 AU1dTA+6umIJB9fwcaslpOYWdLJaJ44gKS6h+LzChlPBHAiiMKB97NE9coJzxpSQ xTslP1QRlfXDsZzjKJHEq/jJuQz2/WGfTRaTT/tWzZ3vh5zvEGJjp7M39JnX8pai qZJbRS9xHy86EzYjNyW2ncNK9cIdfi4BCKGjABEBAAG0KkRQTCB2b3RlIDIwMTgg PGxlYWRlcjIwMThAdm90ZS5kZWJpYW4ub3JnPokBVAQTAQgAPhYhBERWihyHi/aN /bWS9kzY4MZ5h+K4BQJawp4yAhsDBQkDwmcABQsJCAcCBhUICQoLAgQWAgMBAh4B AheAAAoJEEzY4MZ5h+K4P1cH/RRWnYHHtIy/6ff/kpZxIX7Lgy/Ao3NkakpmZ3UY jy1T3OsLyf0PJc90jMk+TBFaoOfMoqIOEGOHlz8DQWAdQPNTfN34ZoY+mANw2S9z VXlAdHPdiGYSnGzyi1EI/CQ0o56zTgUhmBy+6go+sJnwqRe2rXHEBC14W/o/X7rB jyfX4vvCzlXgl/XVTLu2FWkNyl2iE8wUT++uuCT/DvpFXJMnTTSJrX9rlyLFYQmk B768l+UW+8QucDbxc2IAdbg7jKMNngFFpPNAUgJfdz3lcmxT0AqnAGk78GjEDPnT a1KKA1btJVYDkXVknojEt2b3eSo1/vlWysNqlkCtYyZLoH6JAjMEEAEKAB0WIQTl 5SVg3ZHFVt29pdAgZMU2QcJeXQUCWsKeugAKCRAgZMU2QcJeXc42D/9gviD8Mi6i RsYMuzfO7wei9SoPE7z9hE33PTQazsN/Jv502KslteJ56xBgImhrNcqute+h4Fbj Ug0jqasMrCgpRpYV2omhdeOdrbpSxmsmWrUW2fXVQEAj4/QBIVwi+sE/AzsEeJJh tfGDeGBnMxPs3BHtCsexsLFivezkoOg29XklquDeTg33908YjzxP8P9vH19vzu8J 8x/WrR7E8Hlvn6YOK4jDEHkYHytUgBGDh0zOASveDIJB1VizEtYUCjfrN3USVIgS LsRtTFMLBc/3haMWmveUd6vIk79bTxw+quyz+I6qCD0u7GDDM/ZP2Tr1Bgw9znpH sUaAgf0tpIB+d65LXAgdS9oJ8bdr9NTjaGFwnZhnINoGsvV5mjvARqbKaZZwWqcZ ZHYkEbAdv9Pv5muPPvU0m4dJ69003QRQF8drFGpWPze4EvVcWHS/7u5FtERzh1LK Hr7UiOeM2t9jNgytieu3HmIJh+wzvoyLAtVZo3WzPp8S5EDU9PoU5B/5273EWyf9 x/DED77RZhzkkPRe2ki5bxDYZV/VAYWlsPn8GrCKp/fRmCAvNeXXPtitHvKM2c/Q BRel4EcrGAi9rYORZwwAmSLcLXlde7arhiDaJnAK5peXC9HPBs5VX7zUq95w7FNg AwmXOgoWbOB7EuUi5kmAxcYc1HZTJzi3LbkBDQRawp4yAQgAqYtDE+8vrQaJkaW0 ZjDXAlZO+1DQzdOlBCbvMo67l/DeITGVETU75bZjeiA7EniO6HVJDNkf8Hv1SCa+ sSf9epIIHytA6uBs5tajebpkupsdFBM5Qd7G7QmfMgnVbMFdLTA4AYllQrLhpCc6 4OF7a2jjMuQ2X2uR7xtFSZsgqltYqHM++oeKKX5sM/JlOqD7Pqv6Z0zchofCXzdt 2Qo1uDzk/jNTpf3eLmunXXSunFSbLnQBRSnW1SKVws0Ljw6uIEYaJNLxCBcYa2e+ CPWzKiZoDKfBI/pF80RIP762sJmo0PuzqRIpHphYnCowoWde5lPEzY0toRuA7f75 CnUHgQARAQABiQE8BBgBCAAmFiEERFaKHIeL9o39tZL2TNjgxnmH4rgFAlrCnjIC GwwFCQPCZwAACgkQTNjgxnmH4rhlEQf/Vnfx3ivLYkBywxg78WIkoipVa+NiDpjo 5I8Y+/FL49RdqfDtKnEh0pb0Tjt4NJcKvzHZqqM1m1zlwLcG2fh1j6o/HnQCffcv x+ZcTWOkk76MX8aPEobWW/ESmOnLknKpYYCVfNmZOrbX2dM6IgacZAOeqVTzDYGV vrwyBQH0e5lAho7PNVJmLsYJ3KVWeuDPzTtzRw3AUcUXZ6zH9rJAPaPiYGpSY4ap pWevvQwU/GOGdWmmerjVFK82Oq4PHBoD+N0Jvryu4bRz6j7VsxcpG7nvDn9gwePV xriA6zZzQXoto94LhlKInqSWVows+7O3595hMJEY/fHOhrr3INwXhg== =9rrP -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Description: PGP signature