Hi, Here is the current draft text.
Voting period starts 2016-10-09 00:00:00 UTC Votes must be received by 2016-10-22 23:59:59 UTC The following ballot is for voting on declassifying debian-private. This vote is being conducted as required by the Debian Constitution. You may see the constitution at https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution. For voting questions or problems contact secret...@debian.org. The details of the general resolution can be found at: https://www.debian.org/vote/2016/vote_004 Also, note that you can get a fresh ballot any time before the end of the vote by sending a signed mail to bal...@vote.debian.org with the subject "gr_private2". To vote you need to be a Debian Developer. BALLOT OPTIONS Choice 1: Repeal previous GR ============================ Title: Acknowledge that the debian-private list will remain private. 1. The 2005 General Resolution titled "Declassification of debian-private list archives" is repealed. 2. In keeping with paragraph 3 of the Debian Social Contract, Debian Developers are strongly encouraged to use the debian-private mailing list only for discussions that should not be disclosed. Choice 2: Acknowledge difficulty ================================ Title: Acknowledge difficulty of declassifying debian-private 1. The Debian Project regrets the non-implementation of the 2005 General Resolution titled "Declassification of debian-private list archives". That General Resolution is hereby repealed. 2. In case volunteers should come forward: Permission remains for the list archives (of any messages, whether posted before or after this resolution) to be declassified, provided that the declassification process is at least as respecting of the privacy of posters to debian-private as the process set out in the 2005 General Resolution. 3. Furthermore, the Debian listmasters remain empowered (subject to the usual consultation processes within the Debian project) to revise the rules governing the privacy and declassification of messages to -private. This includes making measures to make declassification more widely applicable, or easier to automate. 4. But, any weakening of the privacy expectations must not be retrospective: changes should apply only to messages posted after the rule change has come into force. 5. In particular, we reaffirm this rule: no part of a posting made to -private, which explicitly states that it should not be declassified, may be published (without its author's explicit consent). This rule may be changed by the listmasters (para.3, above), but only for future messages (para.4, above), and only following consultation, and only with ample notice. 6. Participants are reminded to use -private only when necessary. Choice 3: Remain private ======================== Title: debian-private shall remain private The text of the GR is replaced with the following. 1. The 2005 General Resolution titled "Declassification of debian-private list archives" is repealed. 2. There shall be no declassification of any portion of the debian-private archives, except in the following circumstances. 2a. Participants may declassify their own material. 2b. Participants may declassify the material of others where consent has explicitly been given by the authors of all of the material being declassified. 3. Participants are reminded to use -private only when necessary. Choice 4: Further Discussion ============================ This is the default option. Rank this option higher than the unacceptable choices. HOW TO VOTE To cast a vote, it is necessary to send this ballot filled out to a dedicated e-mail address, in a signed message, as described below. The dedicated email address this ballot should be sent to is: gr_priva...@vote.debian.org The form you need to fill out is contained at the bottom of this message, marked with two lines containing the characters '-=-=-=-=-=-'. Do not erase anything between those lines, and do not change the choice names. There are 4 choices in the form, which you may rank with numbers between 1 and 4. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue until you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 4. You may skip numbers, leave some choices unranked, and rank options equally. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. To vote "no, no matter what", rank "Further Discussion" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "Further Discussion" choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. (Note: if the "Further Discussion" choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the "Further Discussion" choice by the voting software). Finally, mail the filled out ballot to: gr_priva...@vote.debian.org. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. You may, if you wish, choose to send a signed, encrypted ballot: use the vote key appended below for encryption. The voting software (Devotee) accepts mail that either contains only an unmangled OpenPGP message (RFC 2440 compliant), or a PGP/MIME mail (RFC 3156 compliant). To avoid problems I suggest you use PGP/MIME. VOTING SECRECY This is a non-secret vote. After the voting period is over the details on who voted what will be published. During the vote itself the only information that will be published is who voted. You can encrypt your message to the voting system to keep your vote secret until the end of the voting period. The software will also try to keep your vote secret and will encrypt the reply it sends to you. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- d495b767-7754-4e61-80ea-8b31c07f3595 [ ] Choice 1: Repeal previous GR [ ] Choice 2: Acknowledge difficulty [ ] Choice 3: Remain private [ ] Choice 4: Further Discussion - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBFf5PegBEADA5bYCMUEz2LHZ9inqNw1l4TkyWoTDNFO1Z2lgRWx+L6+A+HrD jPEF8vjh94zcxGH32f6gbNDlAoOTkggacb22NMzeG+8RglxPXdcPlUwcKu/jWgkS plOOQlaM+sORydDlhNA+xgEIBP5xRKrrN0pNsXTd6Ap4vgAWBnlm0tisW8MYt/e9 uBNO8UFgHXa+65FTgulA0paTiKIqY4QUW38M46lsvGe/6dwf2pg+GIIHytph5CIu 2hOGRR6fEZihjWZ9RJoqxElTNp4lh+BjpKlsOe71y0kIsHCce3WwgrfLzqEm1HJz poh7M4j3pJwR8Ln/3KnlfT1s5sXOM7Il6E/fMP4nyEGg20uo8ow+oTo2OiNYG4Js pEbpNvnZCKzQ97VrYKv09jAL9l2FBLASzSYBg4rQUTSCWxCr6vUBaE6I/dGC6HO5 shJImGMxNzPFodvzBAQC6Tyw/M0i5F5Lv6CAcBD7LtPQq2EQeWFx2+oZtar4egV9 RZTStmpn5Gz2alaF15AKLo48jCZxtFab9wEQ4PxkQJ/8Nv61dEYuk1sJW/WvCrPS xnf1Jy2M1ZsvqVP4I9Gwuj8DxVdbyBdaBogqBn2XqUXYNjH/Um4GkymeMgoKyxuu lgDG5Cm9EVodSI1b+KcmyFwXkZVXiivjYzdIyYJQgxc0Uv3tBmrTpUEM0QARAQAB tDFHUiBkZWJpYW4tcHJpdmF0ZSAyIDxncl9wcml2YXRlMkB2b3RlLmRlYmlhbi5v cmc+iQI+BBMBAgAoBQJX+T3oAhsDBQkAFRgABgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIe AQIXgAAKCRDSynlfRhDsgfvzD/0Vvwgn9vA/v3L4jV9pf9xPMcgXCp1MCxHr2qc/ k7BW6Ts6NXs2PS417gb2iVISRh1n9kb+lD+vbBJrwzDyX5NQZ1VaYdOYSYquuIao nItDNVzts/1x6HahBeuh5XvZHmBcKrThDazcr9iVXpGBV3yZd5vJlUyQMQs1NuTL mIVo30fbXHt1oXn3L7TyldzN+iSy1l7mbS0BA06pck4RS5hk3VN4cg8AWZxwFq+P nQbRbH/YqiyvE5CeEoAcBEtHjEzoL5iP8rEHGydXzBENzPGezF3k2Be9czIEYSIq oGz7T0ODwVInUuMBLC7QeC+icWQohqcihnJH15M6yhZeiznDzTW9W7mR2QlzjsRu zUyuJvl6Xl+pEQzd4QzKDiYxlkEKnvPHCpdzK3+VbyxOOVLaAucB8s79YDpLZx2f 68TzaTKS2sI42ycfhYrwgPVeXtF+ZFhLr50ov4OdbHeZ4MM9SXSEfmobuntr9Ig3 WkkzTSAQrkeo5+YAa7VG/2uj5CsIKW2bnGWTaDmQ5Nu5FggSBnwbY5HtH/475L6o bM4WM6D6BKObBRhml0PXwXfsZegvUbmJO54z2oSMr3xPKWw9AxfBc2kuF/jrsgjx 3jtEu4l6q5O9bXmc7O5PeBZMslY54kMoKhNwD5Cr0y/GfTAFxM4bReIA1y+eEUPN yYxEx4kCHAQQAQoABgUCV/lCkAAKCRAgZMU2QcJeXUGAEACLDgwzjyn0HOhbj5RR xx/K/+gtJ1Rud+WPkDCt6quV7B51JkGcLfaAeceeznDgLmVk0oRlE8NIw9+9AoYt J+5tvPFf8jObbc6/q5Er1JVAbI6QAasoOIdghgdAVkB7WMqDXQ9xJnOb9dbyt8rq 4mJhQT94RZCnvs91dAgElLmGhqM5g/8TfGAPQSIv3UMMPZpUYmKBTNVZP51n52Se sl/EkptZnk3WWRl5MyHuOP55TAhb4qknBuP1GG+AIw4KaClY4XWthE9YgsJiQdYh ucYxXDqcN/bZysUyZzrAmartXhBdLeEqPUNvcFxKtimtjrq3emYESHVQs/vAOCBn Xmbh5q0O0xC5neexHcVSymWHo0+Abynr0aQ96bphfy3KcW+RuhjF2acHjWFJAEwS zewpR+06tDdc4DXYgnKiuQFFOoSGJgKVnuCJzcvm3PQ37qON9mfVLE09halQmcgm fWPs0xw+V2HvwdxCH2R7KIFpQ4ywqPwkOdkDMSOyFc/2g6/qx+CEAEMtm6AG0O8f 4mrJIsPEDzCq/QnRbOxdxWd55rmuV31QqusNfHoCdMBXrFBT+2zzJ0ETtyPrhlYB 9GH88q9KSdkXEXhm6DuI3EtWxCCsf0wkYo6naJSY5zBlkfa2durMMiyFT2w41tjq uCsnF7ELEq1H4G26OQEzqTyZnbkCDQRX+T3oARAAxXFfZJ+l2U06l1G5amynjk/U 2ckcHzJ7V+57y1hx061Bhv1JssLbKFpQTAV8bULB5+IutlIE3tq0T4HjeQT7BQIY 5TSMqtzOzR+cQ3fkinbUSTeNtUGF0dMxOXHd5QQN006EWwdnxJdXIl0zGrh3wMLO bV8DrdB+kSoDn03Krtc0NpYP/VLTNytgZ84cCWJFboguHupJuS54QB3lAbu9rncc qUI/3xKdOJguoIit7zIIRQIIi5ma0MIi93tuZ9hn+Pu4Xv7t8luiPvNWC2IyhHcO q4oJAizEHTjKjOrdqtmXjEJjmui3/C7YEchOCOukh9Xe/bJ44cdxyME857RgVqRY 4OBPZ2myOf5OTbPb1KU558VGAtaFuLt4GChJCT6IX/L3R85pGEk8XLBH6X4VyTPG R34oCnpVJzeiUDVgXb0cHlfK34BoZ/uYxU4gSKzFoZrVRkjZt3lqz8KAgiWtrqo1 +d930ePdgnfIpcrm3Zke3MopTk+WHd0uJtT/i/8tQpdnSEbZVNJgYcLk+Y2VNBrn il2ZPn7qp06I23xW8dTF4BTR4+zwOewk++TyS+e/4n33mVMz8eArK2wLQoO9j/wG /quxk/glvyfrRp/mfyqgN/omGtDRAyd/5/2YEQc2QgRYisn7kgt9H5fmFIrh5U+b queXTUCePCLJyM8iZtcAEQEAAYkCJQQYAQIADwUCV/k96AIbDAUJABUYAAAKCRDS ynlfRhDsgSllEACFpS64pycP/Ojf9jLBoswVJoPDekT0GrjUjlRdpoSgHwGEmJMO RpCn6V4O6Niror9+2a2HIFIqAWU46rR6IvYx5Obi9UmO7T0QT2y1QBIjQv93Msgj ov+ju8j0BFDIORg97yrq+1frBfRCS3XwCRLuC4iJ/72W5Kyn3YF8qTUDcN+OGVLB I6E1RAihPwdc85KWMJaf3GyhpvkVergnXZX4ugZ0AL7QnlOS/k80dpBNovUXfmsg BIf4CzRrt3h5XYiUt0bY0ynolsB1GnPcshDeKBeflACKZ2AiTpAATdmFx5faty2V Dovs1KUG9ltx1p/D+SLwymgX2fNfzbHELUKMgs8NLdUYiiG4JLnoi0EIFlq/X3eY rWLdK0w2RxaFuqiYKVN/6MF0rJNIguiwK+lKkZ7ogLOFaX6vaLlEz1qHhEiciWox aJeWWZnACNaIHAF+apZ9MssNZoj5eUfphNKTQCTizqckbgZpDMTCYoEEBcrxzxlG QeoU4UE7dAIiQPmvHysPSKu03J96ARB1Xi29w1Wvy2Isg/FAYRZHuS9fgSzBO65/ Bf4QkFfKo4pWt0m5Rzkin/S5lg8Bi96YZiLSMJvz1yuzA+r4al8jjlVQ/TM2W9oh gMFmX+gYbPD688guyiQuVqmNzy57q0gPE+yC8zshiSG5ojUYxwHWLwnLcw== =PhRE -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----